Sunday, March 1, 2020

About the Same


I feel good for some time, but then it all seems to go back for a while. Leroy is doing most of the meals and dishes so that helps me quite a lot, but I am getting bored. Mostly I do not watch TV. I flipped through channels, but did not find anything appealing. I wish I had brought home some funny movies. Laughter is good for the soul. Someday we might have to get one of the video streaming services. I believe Leroy will be there before I am, but he does not make any statements in that direction. We ordered the movie, Strictly Ballroom, because we saw that as a stage play while in UT. The play and the movie were quite close in execution. I suppose it is easier to stay together than with a book and a play.

Leroy officiated at a funeral yesterday. It has been a while since he has done that. I though he seemed nervous. When he came home he was much more relaxed, feeling that it all went well. He does not do official tasks for the church now that he is retired, but this was a unique set of circumstances with a person who knew him, but was not a member of a church in this area.

This afternoon it was so nice and warm that Leroy took a bike ride. He came back all smiles and said, “It is so nice out.”

He mostly stayed on the bike trail that goes close to our home. It is so nice to have this trial just about three blocks away. We will certainly miss that when we leave.

I realized how much we will miss the squirrels if the large old tree next door is ever cut down. They provide a nice amount of entertainment with their antics.


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