Saturday, February 29, 2020

Still Not Well


I still have a slight fever of 99 or so, but not so much coughing or sneezing. However, my nose is running like a faucet that has been left on at a low stream.

Yesterday after much consideration I went to my spirituality meeting. My mentor was actually coughing much more than I was. I only occasionally used my tissue in our hour and a half visit. Guess we United States citizens are in the top tier of being able to spread germs. If I felt terrible I would have stayed home.

Leroy now takes Fridays off so I let him do the grocery shopping. Sometimes it is hard to let jobs go to his corner because he does not do them just as I would have done it. Do I want to be in control?

My head is not stuffed so I am beginning to wonder if this is an allergic reaction to something even though I have not had much in the allergy territory. That seems to be Leroy’s skill.

I am trying to reread a book for book club. The book club meets tomorrow. The book is The Lilac Girls. I liked it the first time through, but perhaps it is because I do not have so much energy to face the hard issues that life has brought to some people, but I am having trouble getting through such a serious book. I think I could read a romance with fluff, where is one when you need it to relax? I have been reading a lot of Lutheran magazines because they had piled up in my book basket. Not fluff, but not so energy draining serious.


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