Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Just Laundry


I just realized that my nephew’s birthday is today and I did not send him a greeting. But then I guess I am operating true to form. I should not act like this is a new thing.

It is again beautiful today. I have been out some as I washed and hung out three loads of clothes. I am trying to keep any germs at bay even though I still think it was sinus issues.

I am getting better. I was tired at the end of the day of working yesterday, but not exhausted. That is a good sign. Each day I am hacking up less stuff in the morning so I take that also to be a good sign. Amazing how much of that crud is produced in the body’s fight against infection. We have great healing bodies.

Leroy and I signed up for the CROP walk at church. We will walk on the 14th of October. I expect it will be good to walk that five kilometer walk. Especially if it is such nice weather as these days have been. I would accept any contributions that anyone would want to send, although I think it is best if you support the walk in your own place. I like to walk, but hate to ask for money from people. As one guy at church told me, “I also hate to ask, so I just write a check myself and walk.” That is about what we do too. I feel that we are blessed by giving, but I am not sure how to convince others of that concept. It seems to me the poorest people are those who do not give to others. I must remember my own ideas. I think we have gotten “tighter” since we have come back to this area. It is that lower salary that is tying us up in our thinking. We must remember to share the bounty that still comes our way. We are tithing to the church, but we have always given more than that. We have more than we need. Sometimes it is not more than we want, but that is not the issue.


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