Friday, October 12, 2012

Green in, Green out


Leroy actually took a plant to work this morning. I am trying to remember if he has done that in the past or not. So now I have seven plants in other places. I will still bring in the two amaryllis bulbs later. I like to let them get very cold before putting them inside. I do not have a cool place here to keep them so will let the outdoors be that cool place for a bit longer. I also took some slips from the impatiens and they have not done well. They look quite dead. At least I can yet try again as the outside plants are still alive.

We are still eating tomatoes grown on the vine outside the house and I have five peppers out there that are growing by millimeters. If I see that it will freeze I will pick them, but not until then. Surely it does not hurt to eat a green green pepper. We also have Swiss chard that is starting to look quite fine. Then there are the rutabagas that can handle much colder temps. It also helps that the bulbs underground are what we will eat.

Leroy slept so very well last night and headed off to work with a bit of a bounce in his step. I did not sleep sa well as I had a coughing fit in the night, but my day has been good.

Yesterday, Leroy’s boss returned from Bratislava and Prague. Leroy was happy to hear her speak so positively about her experience in Bratislava. She sounds very inclined to put some more emphasis on the crafts of Slovakians. We have been a little disappointed that the slant of the museum is so related to the Czech people. Course it makes sense since the settlers in this area were from there originally.

I think it would wonderful if Leroy would get the opportunity to go to those wonderful cities and have the museum pay for the trip.


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