Thursday, April 28, 2011

Going Again


Early tomorrow morning I will again leave for Brian and Jen’s house. This time I am going to give them some time on the weekend to get some projects done. Rather I think it is Brian who has the projects. Because of childcare and other duties he has not managed to get them done.

Things I should have done earlier because of going. I was going to get my hair trimmed, but thought I had plenty of time. Because I am changing the style a bit the stylist told me that I could/should have a trim for $5. Well she only works late today, I had someone in the house when I could have first called, and I will be gone tonight. I just got brave and cut off those front side hairs myself. I believe it was an ok job. At least there is no longer any hair there to fly out to the sides with great abandon.

This morning I called a friend who also has a daughter who lives in the same area that Brian does. Would you believe that her husband said, “She now just left for Minnesota.”

Why didn’t I call yesterday as soon as I knew I was going to go? But then I had not yet started to plan. Maybe another time we can combine trips as I travel past a great place where we could meet.

I also should have cleaned the house a bit earlier. I got the basement done as well as one room on the main level. I guess the rest is just going to have to stay dirty.

On the plus side, I made bread yesterday, granola and rhubarb crisp today. Also there is a pot of beans so Leroy will have something to base his meals on.

He should just be lonely on Friday/tomorrow. As Saturday he will have a bike riding group in the morning and his brother-in-law’s birthday party in the afternoon. Sunday is always at least half full and the other days he will be working. My presence will not be missed so much as it is sometimes.

I just wish that I could wish myself in a spot and not have to do the six and a half hour drive. It is a bit of a long drive by myself, at the least radio works.


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