Sunday, December 5, 2010



Yeah! We got our money back from the cancelled airplane tickets. I switched our credit card billing to paperless. But I had not checked it when it came last time since I was not able to spend time looking for errors. Since it is in my email box I forgot to go look at it even though we did pay it. Now when I did finally look the return of that money was the first thing I saw. While I did not think of it every day when I did think of it I was a bit distressed as it had not shown up on the bill yet. Would you believe that we even saved $20 on the new tickets? The only problem is that with the first airline we could have checked in bags free since I have so many miles with them.

When we were at Brian’s I said to Jen, “I do not want to insult you, but I wondered if I could take this poor plant home to possibly revive it?”

Jen had commented earlier about its condition so I thought it might be ok. She did not say that it was a problem and gave it to me. I would not say the plant has sprung back to glory, but it looks alive and as if it might make it for some more days. I talk to it, trim off the dead leaves, put it in a spot that is light but not direct sunlight, and water it when it is droopy.

This has been a busy weekend. There is a big choir concert in this church. I ushered for them last night and again pre-concert this afternoon. Leroy attended both full concerts as he was required to be up front and welcome people.

I am not sure how it happened, but I am on two committees in this church. This is a rare occurrence for me. One committee seems to have been my limit in the past. The library committee and the inter-generation, or whatever it is called are now my committees or responsibility. Since Leroy has been doing interims I mostly have not gotten involved in anything right away. I was asked to help and the next thing I know I am locked into doing real work. That is okay as long as they know I will soon float out the door.


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