Sunday, December 21, 2008

On the Road


After a nice morning spent with the family we decided to leave just after lunch. As we left, snow was starting or continuing depending on when you consider that it started and stopped. We needed gas so we slid into a gas station. We were both thinking it would be no fun to spend 5.5 to 6 hours driving in these conditions. I decided to call someone in Chariton to see how the weather was there. "Are you on the road?" she immediately wanted to know.

"We just started," I meekly stated, "Since it is snowing here we thought we should find out what it is like in southern Iowa."

"Don’t come here," she responded, "school closed early as did many other things."

With that Leroy and I drove back to Brian’s house and they graciously agreed that we could stay another night.

Miriam and Andy were flying to Utah in the evening. They started checking their flight that was getting delayed. After a fruitless call to the airlines Brian drove them to the airport. Seven minutes after they got there they learned that they could fly out the next morning or spend the night in Denver. Brian went back to the airport and brought them home too. Thank God for cell phones!

Even though Ben Franklin stated, "Visitors and fish stink after three days" Brian and Jen put up with us for that extra day. It gave us the chance to play that great marble game one more time. Leftovers were soon all gone. We were all glad to sleep in our own beds when we finally got home and those Minnesota people enjoyed some well deserved "peace and quiet".


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