Wednesday, October 8, 2008

More Applesauce


Leroy took the afternoon off since he is working quite late tonight. It was great because I had him help cut up apples for sauce. We do not peel them because we both like the rich red color the peels give the sauce and I hope that it adds more vitamins or some other food value.

We are now having a bit of an argument about whether we have enough apples to make another batch of cider. I still want to make one more batch of sauce and the rest would make just a small bit of cider. Then it becomes a question of, is it worth it to get out all of the equipment and wash it afterwards.

I also made a large apple crisp. We just live with such luxury.

I got my eyes examined this morning. It was a thorough exam or at least I hope it was. My eyes are healthy with cataracts just starting. My eyes are also dry and she recommended that I put drops in more frequently than I had been doing. I guess that is all an indication of age. Life just brings new experiences all of the time.

The other day Leroy said, "I do not like your organ/computer glasses. I think you should get some new ones." I have had them since 2002. I went ahead and got new really cute frames since they were half off just today. I am sure they will help my trophy wife status. When I get glasses I can not tell what I look like because I need my glasses to see. There were two women there who helped me. They had definite ideas about what looked good and what did not. They recommended two pair with different prices and I went ahead and chose the more expensive since they thought it did look better on me. If you can imagine the frame is black and blue. Black in the front and blue for the sides. They only cost me about $275. I did get anti-glare since that often bothers me.

The real shock at paying the bill was the cost of the exam. Leroy had his eyes examined just last spring in the same place and his exam cost $88. Mine, however, cost $219. Wow what a difference! I did tell her about the flashing light that I saw one Sunday in church so she must have given me some extra care. Leroy commented, "I think you just walk in and people think you are the expensive type." Oh well at least we have the money to pay this bill. Some people could not do that. Insurance will pay for most all of the exam she thought, but maybe not $30 so it is not all coming out of our pocket.


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