Monday, October 20, 2008

Hazards of Cleaning


I am not sure why, but I have stopped being very regular about cleaning. The house looks ok most of the time because I can not tolerate much clutter. Dirt now, that seems to be a different matter. Maybe it is because this house is so big. After all I have not had to deal with more than a one bedroom place for four years. Then in Des Moines it was just two bedrooms and all the rooms were fairly small so I think it was about the same size as our one bedroom apartment in Slovakia.

I believe in dusting before I vacuum. Consequently I started by dusting the living room/dining room, but before I got done I remembered that I had not brushed my teeth and prepared my face for the day. I guess it is good to have Leroy around to keep me on a schedule. When in the bathroom I realized that I should clean the sinks. The next thing I noticed was that I should do the bathtub since I had the cleaning things out. "Look at that screw," I thought, "I wonder if it comes out so I can clean out the drain a bit more. It has been quite slow."

I had to search for a screwdriver. Leroy did put things away in the right place so that was easy. I got the plate off, but had to find something to extract the hair that was tangled around the bracket. I tried a tweezers and shortly turned to the screwdriver which worked just fine.

Then it was back to the living room to finish dusting. I now started moving furniture around so I could vacuum behind it. When I moved the chairs out to the kitchen I realized that I should clean off the top of the frig since I had a chair handy to stand on. It had been a while so it took a bit of effort to get that clean. I went back and vacuumed half of the room when I noticed that it was snack time and I was hungry. I must stop to eat since I believe in snacks. While eating I worked on one Sudoku puzzle and then another one because the first went so quickly.

I forgot to mention that I also had to tend to some plants when I moved them. Then I got sidetracked in the garage looking for the little saucers that go under the plants.
I did finish vacuuming before lunch, but it was a miracle.

When Brian was little he told someone, "My mother likes to clean."

I decided that I should not act so happy while cleaning. I did try to make it seem like something good to do in the hopes that my children would do their chores without complaining and it mostly worked.


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