Saturday, September 13, 2008


September 13, 2008
After looking at the pears piling up on the ground, I finally got up the nerve to ask my neighbor about them. She said that I could take what I wanted. Leroy and I went over and picked up about four gallons. We had to cut off a number of spots, but we still had enough to make a nice batch of pear sauce. That is similar to applesauce and I put it in jars and preserved it. I think we will enjoy having that. We also picked a few so we have some to eat. They are very nice pears.
I like all of the fruits of summer and autumn. We bought a great homegrown cantaloupe at the grocery store. That is one thing that we miss when it gets to be winter.
A woman in the congregation had a daughter who died a couple days ago. This year in the spring she buried her husband. I do not know how she deals with two deaths so close together. Actually I do not know how she deals with these deaths at all.
Leroy and I went to garage sales this morning. At our neighbor’s we bought one of the original types of Trivial Pursuit. We think that will be good since we do not do so well on the later games. Besides, it only cost 25 cents. We found nothing we wanted at the next sale. But at the last one we spotted some lamp oil. We bought two small bottles for a total of 20 cents. At noon we got out the pottery candle that we had from years ago. Unfortunately it produced a big flame with lots of black smoke. I read on that bottle that it is not good for candles and only to be used in lamps. The other bottle says for candles and lamps, besides it states that it is smokeless. We will try that later and donate the first bottle to the church fall garage sale.
If you had asked me I would have told you that we live a scaled down life. That is not true. We have gathered up another full bag of things that we need to donate to the sale. I suspect if I looked with a cold, cruel eye, I would find more things to add to the pile.

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