Tuesday, December 15, 2020

A Walk in the Cool



Leroy and I walked yesterday when I came home from work. We had had a short walk in the morning that was fine because there was no wind blowing.


The afternoon walk was a bit breezier, but still ok at 20 some degrees F. We saw a couple we know and caught up with them which gave us a nice socially distanced visit. The woman is having knee surgery today. I am impressed at how much she walks. She uses some support of a cane or hiking pole. Her theory is that being strong is an asset for healing


It was a sunny day and there were maybe ten to fifteen people out on the trail, walkers with dogs, walkers without dogs, skateboarders and one bicyclist. I was impress that so many people did not stay inside just because of the cold.


Today it was about the same temperature, but we did not see so many casual walkers, and no one we knew. It was good to be out, but the air was damp and not so comfortable. I was glad to get home and into the warm.


We should have taken some pictures of the park. They have now removed quite a number of the piles of logs and brush. It looks so different. It still looks damaged, but much clearer. They were working hard today.


Yesterday and today we saw roofers working. I was impressed that they would be up in the cold. That job takes some fortitude and courage.



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