Saturday, October 3, 2020

Out and About



Leroy is feeling better most days. We have been walking quite a bit more and riding those trikes frequently. Today we rode down to the lake that is close to our home. I am not sure of the distance, but I would guess that for sure it is a three mile round trip with some small hills that challenge a bit. It certainly is harder to go uphill with these trikes. Guess when we are on a bike we use our weight without realizing the help it gives. Also with this sitting angle we are using different muscles. Today we saw a heron fly up and settle back down a bit farther away from us. It was cool outside so the trial was not so busy, but as usual there are always some others there. I was happy to see a young boy and his dad out riding.


Earlier this week, we went up a different part of the trail and saw two red foxes. The week before, we had seen five of them at this spot. This time I tried to get a photo as one of them stood on a gray cement pipe. Unfortunately, it did not wait around from me to get my phone out of my pocket.


We have also seen a groundhog by the trail. I definitely like seeing them in these spots where no one lives close. I do not feel friendly towards the one that lives under our porch. At least we have some fencing to keep it out of the garden. We have picked three butternut squash and will also pick an acorn squash as well as quite a bit of broccoli. There are two immature butternut squash and I am hoping that they will make it to maturity. The prediction is for October to be warmer and drier than usual.


Not an outdoor activity, but we had a person come to our zoom yoga class and put obscenities in the chat line. I did not see them, but someone else did, so we just stopped the class since it was almost time to be done anyway. I felt violated and a bit angry that anyone would do that. I have heard of such happening to others, but felt we were too small for anyone to find us. Naïve?



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