Saturday, October 24, 2020

Changes I could not imagine



The pandemic changed my life and my outlook. I realize now how much I like to see people, introvert that I am, people contact is still important. There are even people who come in the library and I did not know that I missed them. Our library numbers are still much smaller than they used to be. Each day we have instead of 100 people, maybe ten who like to browse. I always smile at them even if they cannot see it behind my mask. We are safer with a smaller number, but I still miss seeing some of the people.


We went to another drive by surprise birthday party. It also gave me such a good feeling that we still have a way to connect. The drive by is almost more comfortable for me because in the past before going to something like a party I was a bit uncomfortable wondering if I will see anyone I know, etc.


I am quite comfortable with doing Tai chi on zoom. Today on my own, I decided to do the longer form that we do not do online. Shocking! I could not remember what came next at more than one point. I thought the form was engrained in my brain. After some thought and finally looking at the papers I was able to complete it. I will have to confess this to my teacher.


Not only the pandemic, but the August 10th derecho has made a big change in our area. I saw a report this week that the city has picked up 364,000 tons of tree debris. This was just on the first pass through the city. They do not know how much more and how long it will take to finish the job. For comparison, the Empire State Building weighs 365,000 tons. I have always liked the trees, but this adds a new dimension of appreciation.



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