Saturday, October 31, 2020

Little Free Libraries



I have my big order of books for the little free libraries. I also have some books that were donated by members of my book club at church. I got and requested multicultural books. I have about fifty books to share. This year I stuck with picture books. Because they are paperback they do not weigh so much to haul around the area. Leroy and I put on about 7,000 steps this morning in the task. We were glad that the temperatures had come up from a few days ago. I keep thinking I will do this earlier in the year so I do not have to think about the cold or one year it was snow.


I could almost complain because I got too hot, over dressed. I thought Leroy was too lightly dressed, but he was right.


We even have one library about three blocks away so that is convenient for delivery. I will probably put more there in a second trip. One of our friends had one, but she moved. We were pleased to see the library still there. She always kept it quite well filled. The new owners are not so into that, at the moment that library was almost empty so we put in more than usual.


On our walk we went through a park that has a sculpture that is named the mouse eared bone. Cedar Rapids has a number of Art in the Public Space, but this was the first one that was done.


Leroy and I took a ride on the trikes this afternoon. Leroy had thought about going longer, but he got quite tired as did I. Between the wind and muscles that had not done it in a while, we just went home.



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