Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Eye Exam



My eyes are healthy with growing cataracts. I am at the point I could have the surgery, but in the meantime I needed a new prescription for my glasses since I do not see so very well. Now the question is when to have these cataracts removed. It could take three weeks for the new glasses to come to me. So the new lens with not be instant fix. I work one night a week and driving at night is not so comfortable for me. The new glasses will help that. Such decisions and fussing around.


Leroy also goes to this eye doctor. He asked how Leroy was. When I told him about Leroy’s condition he was shaken and amazed that he could see again with his right eye. The only patient he has seen with this went blind in one eye and he felt they were lucky to save the sight in the other. I almost wish Leroy had had another visit with him because he asked many of the symptom questions that I feel the family physician should have been noticing. But then it is always easier when you know the diagnosis.


I am having the lens put in an older frame that I have, but it is still quite expensive. However, I am not complaining. We have the money and I absolutely need these to be able to see. I am grateful that I this way to see available. He also told me that I could probably wait about a year, but next visit it would be a necessity to remove the cataracts because soon he will not be able to correct my vision enough.


For a person who does not like to make decisions, I have had to wend my way through a maze of possibilities this year.



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