Tuesday, October 27, 2020

How Did That Happen



In terms of importance, this is low on the scale, but I still wonder how did it happen? We missed paying a bill for our new internet provider.


Leroy and I both thought we had signed up for automatic payments so we ignored last month’s bill. Well, the company did not ignore such bill and charged us a late fee as well as this month’s fee. I was going to throw myself on their mercy, but it became difficult to figure out how to talk to a live person. The bill is paid because I could do that over the phone with a “caring” voice that gave me precise instructions to accomplish this task. When Leroy comes home I will see if between the two of us we can set up automatic payments. I thought we had set up an online account but it seems not, again a question for Leroy.


Our excuses are that we were overwhelmed by the pandemic, derecho, and Leroy’s illness. Until now, I would not have believed that all of those externals could affect our lives and thinking process. Certainly our priorities have changed. Is that for the better?


I am grateful that we are healthy, our house is warm and dry, our cars work, our technology works, we can connect with others, and we have the money to pay this bill without care and concern about where to find the money.


We have more than we need in many areas of our lives. Blessed indeed!


I just moved summer and winter clothes in my closet and dresser, makes me realize I have too much. That includes areas too numerous to mention. How to contribute less waste to the world when I am awash in excess?



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