Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Working On The Future


Leroy and I met with our financial advisors to plan for retirement. Can you imagine that we have financial advisors? Sounds rather “high fluting” to me.

The first question was, “Do you know when you plan to retire?”

I thought, “No, maybe in two or three years.” As I was thinking that I heard Leroy say, “Yes.” That was an amazingly simple answer from Leroy who often throws in many side issues.

I turned to him and asked, “When are “we” planning to retire?” to the laughter of the two who were helping us.

Are we like a couple of slippery eels?

Leroy answered, “In the summer of 2019.” But then he added, “I may retire in one job and keep the other.”

Two part time jobs give him that option.

The next question was so far unanswerable. “Where were we to be living when we retire? Here or in another state? Would we buy a home or rent?”

I used to think that owning our own home would be just wonderful, but after 46 years of renting, I have become quite accustomed to just being a renter even though it is a lower status position in this USA.

All of those answers will make a difference in determining how to allocate our pensions. And I thought life was to be easier as we aged because we would know so much more than we did at age 20. Seems to me then we just plunged ahead and did not think so much about what might be ahead beyond the next corner.


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