Tuesday, September 5, 2017

My Face


There is only one more thing to say about that trip on the last day of having family with us. On the 3-4 hour drive home, the silence settled in, both welcome/peaceful and dreaded/no energy to it. Life seems to have two ways to embrace it as usual.

About six to eight weeks ago I developed a spot on my face that seemed suspicious. Luckily I had an appointment for my dermatology check. The Dr. was quite concerned. Now I wonder if much of his concern was related to the fact that he might have missed it before, but I think it just grew since he saw me. He biopsied it with the report coming back that it was Squamous cell carcinoma.

Today I had the Mohs surgery to make sure all of the cancer was removed. The procedure itself did not take so very long, but I had a long wait to see the Dr. who commented that if I had to have skin cancer on my face it was a good spot as it is close to my ear and almost out of sight. The wait after they deadened the spot was so long that they had to check to make sure it was still unfeeling before they began cutting. There was a wait again after they said it was all good and I could be closed. The additional deadening still was effective. One of the nurses commented that it was crazy around there today. I guess that means something out of the norm was going on.

During the times I could not read I practiced breathing and meditation. Hopefully, that all lowered any feelings of anxiety. Sleep even seemed like a possibility.

I had thought about going back to work after the procedure, but during the care instruction time it was emphasized three times that I should do nothing in particular today and tomorrow. So I am home. I was surprised by the instruction not to bend down and lower my head even to look in the refrigerator. I am trying to remain upright and if I want to get low, I squat. I am very good at squatting so that is not a problem.


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