Sunday, September 10, 2017

God’s Work Our Hands


Our church participated in the event God’s Work Our Hands.  Leroy and I signed up to clean or paint at a homeless shelter that is very close to the church. No one else had signed, but I was hoping for reinforcements. We did indeed have reinforcements. There were at least 13 of us.

At first Leroy worked inside the building, packing paper that was coming out of a box of dishes that were ready to put on the shelf. The original plan was to throw the paper in the trash, but Leroy knew that it should be recycled so he was putting it in a box.

I had gone with someone else to get our weed eater and extension cords. On my return I took over Leroy’s job because I do not know how to use that weed eater. As it turned out there were no outside outlets so Leroy mowed the lawn instead.

When the unpacking was finished I went out and pulled weeds. That certainly took some effort in the hot sun with large well entrenched roots holding them securely, but it was very satisfying to do it as it all looked so much better when it was done.

When we arrived at the shelter we learned that they had not had lunch. Community people bring lunch in and whoever was scheduled that day had forgotten. One of our group went back to church where they procured the left over lunches that all of our workers had not eaten. So happy to see the sharing and finding the right place to be.

For some reason I was just very tired when we got done. Leroy and I had ridden our bikes to church and locked them up there. I guess riding the bike home was easier than walking, but who knows. When we got home I took the bandage off my face as it tends to hurt a little just under my jaw. It does feel much better; however I will put the bandage back on to sleep as who knows what might happen then. Just two more days until the stitches come out. Yeah!


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