Saturday, September 16, 2017

Leroy and I at home


Because we were both at home we considered going to an Amish store to the south of Iowa City. However after checking the football schedule it was decided that life could be a lot better by staying away from the area on a home game day. Instead we rode our bikes to a co-op store that is just off the bike trail. Leroy has gotten there by this method, but I never had. It was certainly easy except for crossing a four lane street. At least when we were there the street was not as busy as I have seen it be from time to time.

Even though I was hot, tired, hungry, and thirsty on the way home, I voted to ride around the lake so we could check out any wild life. Wild life was taking a break as we saw almost no water birds and the fish were out of sight even though there were plenty of fisher people out to try their luck.

We had hoped to see pelicans as I had seen an article about what might be seen on the lake. Leroy wisely said that earlier or later would be a better time than getting close to noon.

I did see some of the red leafed poison ivy that was also mentioned in the article. As was stated it was far enough from the trail as to not be a problem. A few fall wildflowers were also in evidence.

As we came up to a bridge with Leroy in front, I looked ahead to see a bike rider just two or three feet in front Leroy with cell phone in hand, coming solidly in our lane. I yelled, “Whoa!”

He tore his attention away from his phone, looked up, and swerved into his lane. “Pay attention!” I then hollered and at the last minute added, “Please!”

No wonder there are so many accidents where phones are involved. I believe we have lost the art of being in the moment.


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