Wednesday, September 20, 2017



I washed underwear this morning so that led to some serious contemplation. There was a time in my life when all of my underwear looked the same. Underwear is possibly panties in your vernacular. I grew up with the word underwear or possibly underpants, but never panties.

Until I was in fourth grade I did not change my underpants every day. I am not sure how long a pair was worn, but I suspect there were family rules for such. My mother only washed on Mondays with the wringer washer. Consequently x number of pair lasted for a week. However, in fourth grade our teacher had us mark on a chart if we had on clean underpants, if we had taken a bath on Wed. nights, brushed our teeth, washed our face, or combed our hair. My family only took a bath on Saturday night. We did all use separate water even though the hot water had to be heated on the stove before being carried upstairs and poured into the bathtub where there was cold running water. Generally a bath meant less than an inch of water in the tub. School was important to me and getting good marks in everything mattered. I do not remember just how hard I had to talk to get my family to buy enough underpants for me to go the entire week. But I suspect this was no small decision. That additional bath per week also had to have been an effort to get done as it required a certain amount of work and water was precious at my house.

Now I have so many underpants of several types and colors. Oh, my fourth grade girlfriend had underpants that had the days of the week on them. How my heart envied her, but that was not to be for me as just plain white was the norm.

Recently I bought another package of underpants only to find that they were the full sized affair which fits at my waistline. I knew I did not want bikini style, but had no clue that what I really like are hipsters. The purchase was a good monetary deal, of course, as it even had an extra pair in there. So I will wear these giant things until their demise. My childhood rules live on, the underpants must be worn out before they go away.


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