Saturday, May 28, 2016



Because Leroy was home I felt compelled to go out and work around the house. If I had been alone I might have talked myself out of it. As it was I went out with a pliers that Leroy found for me. I used the pliers to grip the small trees closer to the earth so I could pull up more of the root which was somewhat possible after the recent rains. Some I pulled and some I just used my hands. Most were less than two feet tall. Only one came up with a sudden release so that I sat on the ground. I squat when I do things like this so I was not far from the ground. I pulled them around the garages, house and then moved on to the cracks in the sidewalk. Leroy came out and helped me finish that. He had been trying to repair a hose, but needed different sized ends. Then we moved on the rental house two doors away where Leroy used the ice scraper to get the thicker stuff growing in the cracks of the sidewalk sheared off. All in all it was quite a satisfying result. The work is not so much fun as what I see when I am finished.

In the afternoon we headed to a state park that is quite close. It started to rain before we left town. Since it was just a little rain and the prediction was for scattered showers we forged ahead. By the time we got to the park the rain could be classified as a down pour. We drove all around the park, but did not feel any siren call to get out except at an ice cave where we could park close and go under the overhanging rock. We found a flashlight in the car that did not work very well. With Leroy leading we ventured a short distance into this cave that seemed to be getting colder, lower,  and narrower as we progressed. At least we saw the entire park which was quite picturesque. Perhaps we will return some day. Supposedly there are hiking trails, but we did not spot any entrance to those. We had also talked about taking a long bike ride in the afternoon, I am glad we changed our minds.


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