Saturday, February 16, 2013

Glasses, sugar and Oil


The other day I was disgusted to realize that I had not put my “computer” glasses in my book bag. Instead I tilted my head up to an uncomfortable angle each time that I was doing work on the computer. Wouldn’t you know that was a good bit of the day? After I got home I found my “computer” glasses in my purse. I had them with me all the time. Wrong bag is as good as lost.

My sister wondered why I do not eat or want to eat so much sugar. I suppose the biggest reason is that refined sugar has no food value other than sweetness. I love fruit. So each morning Leroy and I share an apple, an orange, and a banana. I really do not know what the sugars are in those fruits, but surely it adds to my supply. Later in the spring and summer we will have other fruits as they come in season. Later in the day we usually each eat another apple. Sometimes we have frozen berries for supper. I also know that many veggies have sugar in them naturally. At least I feel that cabbage, peas, and carrots all taste sweet. Then there is the winter squash family that seems to be loaded with that sweet flavor. Sugar is not listed on the USDA list of food allowances for the day. Leroy and I also always eat about a teaspoon of honey mixed with cider vinegar. I believe that honey is more of an asset than sugar as it has traces of this and that. To sum up, I would say that refined sugar takes the place of more beneficial things.

I do feel that oil is important for the diet of anyone. I can’t remember if it is on the USDA list or if there is a recommendation for it daily. I do sauté many veggies as well as eggs in one form or another. I use either olive or canola oil for that.  We also eat a number of avocados. Nuts of all kinds are my most common snack food. I suspect that gives me a bit of fat in my diet. Beans are a large portion of our diet and I know that some of them have quite a big supply of fat.  Lately I have been putting salad dressing on my frequent salads. That would also contribute to the oil in my diet. In other words I eat this way because of health not weight although it probably helps me maintain a proper weight.

That is my explanation for why I eat the way I do. I no longer tolerate very sweet things. Is that withdrawal?


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