Monday, February 11, 2013

A Good Time


I wanted to say a good time was had by all, but hesitated to do that. Who knows how the others felt. Only 20 people came, but I almost felt disappointed since I was geared up for 30. I believe I could have handled it just fine. I was happy to spend some time visiting with and getting to know these people. The CEO of the museum is just a great person at least that was how she appeared to me. She and her husband were there almost the entire time.

I was easily able to stay ahead of the group in terms of frying. I did do a little dish washing, but it was not necessary. We served with a totally mismatched group of dishes. At least no one will find it hard to get ahead of us in the hosting area. We took it to a new non-standard level.

There were five children under the age of five in attendance. They enjoyed the little table and chairs as well as our camping dishes. They also had bananas, apples, and an orange instead of just donuts. Perhaps each child had one donut and then some fruit. That fits into my idea of what is right and proper in the world. I had provided crayons, markers, papers, and wooden puzzles for their entertainment.

Interestingly one of the women commented that the donuts were not so sweet tasting to her. When I told her that it had 1.5 cups of sugar to 7-8 cups of flour, she said that was why. Her brownie recipe has more sugar than flour. I felt much better. It has, along with the oil picked up in frying, ¾ cup oil. That is probably a smaller ration than her brownies. That is a guess since we did not discuss oil.

We invited our landlords up at the end and they stayed for over an hour visiting. It was a great time. I would like to have more company without stress. Maybe if I did it more I would relax. It seems we as a culture do not do enough of that. Or maybe it is just me and the people I know.


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