Friday, June 22, 2012

Cleaning Mode


The new library director is in a clean it up mode. The office looks and feels quite different as many things have been moved out or thrown out. It helps me to work with an uncluttered mind. I know that people talk about the messy desk being good for some people and shows they have lots of work, but it is not a good thing for me as I often have to stop and put things away before I can move on.

Even though it was not intentional I found some things out of place on the children’s video shelves. I do not like reading shelves, but it must be done from time to time. This time I was just putting some videos away. There was a shelf divider in the way so I pulled it out and tried to slide it under the shelf. For some reason it would not go. I got down on my hands and knees to discover three DVD cases, and four books along with a lot of dust bunnies who have been multiplying in private. On further inspection the cases came up empty and one of the books was no longer in the system. The director knew that there was a pile of DVDs without cases luckily these three were in that pile. Now how they got separated I cannot imagine.

Then it was on to cleaning the drawer at the checkout desk. Besides an abundance of pens and pencils it yielded 5-6 scissors. We could have been real cut ups.

I tried to block out the closed dates on the calendar. Even though I was using the user and password that I later gave the director, I could not get it done. It would not toggle. For her it was just as it should be. I was disgusted. Does this software like her better than it likes me, or does it just know she is the boss and it had better respond?


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