Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Yesterday Painting, Today Touring


Yesterday a person in the congregation came to paint the frame around the small garage door. When I live in parsonages I always feel a little guilty that people come to do things around the house. I know that as a renter I am not expected to do those things. In fact, some landlords did not want us to do any of those things. But somehow in the parsonage the house seems more ours even though, of course, it is not ours. The lawn is mowed here when they mow the church lawn. I am just trying to relax and enjoy the perk. I have had people in the church (not here) make remarks about how we have our house taken care of by others. This was said with the note that they had to take care of their own house. I do not know how to respond to such things. Part of my dark side wanted to say, “You could be a renter too and then someone else would do it for you as well.” I believe to them it would appear that we live the free and easy home life. Life is not simple is it?

Another woman and I toured around the countryside in Illinois looking for a pick your own blueberry patch and an orchard. After a false turn, backtracking, and stopping to ask directions we finally made it. As a social activity in the church we are expecting to go to both of these places. I was impressed with the size of the blueberry patch. They said it has been there for 30 years and they do not fertilize or water as God and nature take care of it all.

Where I grew up northwestern Illinois is so hilly and this country is so flat. My family did not travel very far as we always had to be home to milk cows morning and night, consequently I always thought Illinois was quite a hilly state. In fact I thought the world looked as beautiful as my neighborhood. When I got out a bit farther from the base I found that to be not true at all. It took some getting used to, but now I am quite accustomed to variety and even like and appreciate the new types of beauty.


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