Saturday, February 5, 2011

Singing and Robins


I have joined the community chorus. I auditioned yesterday and joined a four hour retreat this morning. This group has practice two nights a week for six weeks. The session this morning was to introduce all of the music for the upcoming concert on March 27th. It was great to once again have such an extended singing workout. I will have to work on my high notes. Two of the pieces go up to an A. In the last four years I have not attempted anything so high. Just as with any muscle or skill it needs to be exercised to be retained.

I am singing second soprano along with two other women. These two women have extensive training in music so they sing and I just join the group. Mostly I can hold my own, but all of the reading was done at performance speed. That certainly stretches my brain. I may have sung one of these pieces, but that would be more than ten years ago. It is also good that they can count quite well, that is good especially for the syncopated things. Syncopation also stretches my brain.

I did tell the director that when my grandchild is born I will be gone for at least a week. He said that it is ok to miss two rehearsals, and after that I am responsible for knowing the material.

When I raised the living room curtain at first light I saw robins already at the table on the ground a two or three in the tree. They have been at it all day. Later in the day we walked in the park to see some by a tree there that also had some type of small fruit on it. This afternoon some of the robins flew into the window. Are they drunk or disorientated?

When the robins are walking on the ground they hold their wings out from their bodies. Now it did warm up today but not a lot. Do you think they were hot? Or could that have been for balance on the snow. They are certainly leaving tracks all over the place. For a time a squirrel joined them in the tree. Perhaps buried nuts are too hard to find in the deep snow and adjustments must be made to ones diet for survival.


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