Friday, February 11, 2011

Leroy's Health


Leroy’s health is great and it is confirmed by his doctor visit. His weight is well in line with standards as is his blood pressure. He is still drug free. “Aren’t you glad you married me? So you eat the same good diet I do?” I wanted to know.

He thought awhile before he agreed, but he did agree. I think that his posture is also much improved lately. The reason is not so clear, but he has been doing the boat pose (yoga) with a great deal of regularity. Leroy has a morning exercise routine that he completes 95% of the time. I am impressed that he does this. He once had a chiropractor recommend many of the moves. He finds that when he is lax in doing them he has problems with some part of his alignment.

As a part of this exam they did draw blood and he does not have those results for blood sugar and cholesterol. But then I think they will be good. Now if Leroy could just grow hair on the top of his head he would be perfect.

There are still robins out our window, but only a few more than twenty at any one time. Now some of them seem to be fighting over the remaining pieces. Isn’t that like people? When there is plenty for all life is smooth, but shortages cause altercations or worse.


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