Friday, February 25, 2011

Book Club


The book discussion was a great success if you judge by the response of the participants. We had a lively repartee that quickly filled the hour. When I announced that it was five minutes before we needed to stop, someone said, “It has been an hour already?” And to think I had been wondering if I could keep the conversation going. I only asked one question and we were off and running. I just tried to make sure that all of the quieter people had a chance to speak.

We were engaged in the possibilities of what has been and could be. We will meet again in a month. I handed out the next book. It is really an upper elementary book, A Wrinkle in Time. One person commented they would like to read it again and the rest of us had not read if even though it is in the classic territory. Also one of our members is approaching his senior recital and exams at the end of his college career and he wanted something easy. One person told me they have already read three chapters. Personally I thought I had better wait until closer to the meeting time so I can remember what I read.

It was a heady experience to do this because so many of the people there thanked me for getting this started. It was so easy to do and what they do not know is that I did it for selfish reasons; I wanted to talk to people about books that I have read. We even had two spouses come who had not read the book on Lincoln, but wanted to listen/participate in the discussion. This is the first book club that I have been in that has men. Four of the twelve people who attended were male. Nice to get some different perspective on life situations. Men are good for something.


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