Sunday, February 20, 2011

No Fastnachts Today


Leroy woke with a fever so Fastnachts and open house were cancelled at our house. All that cleaning for naught. This is the first time ever in all the years we have been doing this. It was easier than I thought it would be. Just an announcement in church worked. So far no one has come to the door. About noon Leroy’s fever broke, but he still feels a bit punk and coughs with a certain amount of regularity. He is planning to do the funeral tomorrow and then there will be another later in the week. He is hoping this is a sign of wellness coming back so he will not expose other people to much flu. The open house has been rescheduled for March 6. Leroy and I decided that if that grandbaby comes and messes with the timing I will just go and he will stay here. He thinks he can make the dough without me. Actually I know that he can he has just never done it alone.

About midnight I woke to hear the windows rattling, the bed trembling, and an extended crashing rumbling sound outside. “Good heavens is that an explosion?” I wondered.

About five minutes later I saw a lighting flash and was treated to another great thunderclap. Rain was striking the roof at a brisk pace. So it was a winter thunder storm. Who could guess?

Leroy was also awake and realized that he did not feel well at all. He had not been so good on Saturday, but he managed to do everything that was on the schedule for him. We even went out to a concert. It was quite good and made us laugh several times. It was an orchestra that was playing old time instruments and had a score that was used with a Buster Keaton film. They showed the film so we got the whole experience. I had no idea that I would like that so much. I am ready to see another old film.


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