Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Where is … March 8, 2023 Hello, I have a booklet from our weekly study that I will take back with me to save paper, etc. Where did I put it? It was a logical place so I could find it a week later, but not have it in my way since I do not like clutter. There is a fine art to hiding something from yourself and I seem to have perfected it. After looking in the most logical places and not finding it, I moved on to illogical places. Then I moved on to berating myself for such an ill-chosen place, whatever it is. From there I had a talk with myself about beating up on me. A bit after that I looked in one more place. Oh, there it is! When I bring it home today, I will put it in the first place I looked, because it must be the most logical. Do you want to bet on where I will actually look next week? I do not. On a more positive note, I cut some of the leggy coleus that Leroy has at the museum. The cuttings look splendid in the jar as they grow new roots while soaking up the sun and the atmosphere in our house. One sprig looked quite sad and wilted. I moved it along with another that had a shorter stem to a smaller vase. Cutting the bottom of that stem seemed like a good idea. I am quite pleased with the result as the leaves keep coming back to life with the addition of water. There is rebirth and renewal. Now we could just master that for people the world would be a better place.

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