Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Church and Talk

Hello, Leroy walked to his early morning bible study because he wanted to get some steps and with the organization of the day it would not have happened if he had driven there and on to work. He also told me that he did not know where to put his bike during supper, church, and choir this eveing. He had one bike stolen from the church area so he did not feel comfortable locking it up there. I walked to church for a study, stayed for a concert, followed by a service which also was followed by a meal. That gave me much time to visit with people and that was good for my soul. The concert was by a singer from one of the local colleges. He has a wonderful voice. He sang some new music by an Iowa composer which included the poems of an Iowa author. The poetry was based on farm life. I found it quite good. After I came home, I delivered more neighborhood newsletters. I do not think it is half done but it is now a good start. Leroy will be working for the next three days so I will have more time to get deliveries made. We are going to Minnesota at the end of next week so I want to get it done before we leave. If it does not rain or snow much, I should be able to do that. I will go back to church tonight so I will get a lot of steps today since I already have 11,000. Walking up and down from people’s houses gives me many steps. I even get a bit of hill work. Paula

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