Monday, March 6, 2023

Spring Garden?

Hello, Leroy and I went to a talk by a Master Gardener. There was interesting information on container gardening. I learned I should be more careful about cleaning pots when I reuse them. It was also fun to reconnect with a friend who was there. Now we are both focusing a bit more on gardening. We must get some more seeds. I have been wondering about starting some lettuce in a protected area. When we lived in St. Paul, MN, I remember a man telling me that you could start onions in March in MN. I still wonder how he did that. My winter onions are just now starting to look a little green. Leroy is also turning his attention to the community garden. We did not get everything out of it before the cold was too intense. So plants are still hanging around, perhaps harboring insects of various qualities. We do deliberately leave flowers and leaves by the house to encourage some winter homes for insects, hoping mostly give a home to those that we like. It looks a bit unkempt by the house, but it is only temporary. Because, of course, in the spring and summer it is wonderful looking. No, it isn’t, again, we barely come up to the acceptable standard of weed free, etc. We know others who get seed catalogs and they are already turning to the idea of planting. There is something so satisfying about feeling the soil on my hands. This must be true of others as well. Paula

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