Saturday, January 30, 2021

How Many Masks



How many masks do you now own? Masks that you never had before March 2021 and probably never considered that they would become necessary. In our house there are many that are necessary. I have three, oops, now four that I keep in my work bag which also always has a snack bag with a mixture of peanuts, almonds, and green pumpkin seeds (I forgot the real name.). Many days that bag carries books and or movies to and from the library. I am grateful for all the bags in my life.


Leroy also has number of masks for work, but I do not think he makes any distinction of which he wears where. We both have a number of extra masks for use such as shopping, a doctor visit, or dropping something off at church. Leroy has more than I do, but I do not know the number for him. I know that I have three in my drawer.


Both of the cars have two spare masks in at all times because we might forget our mask. Then there is a hook at the bottom of the stairs where two masks hang in case we have a visitor who wants to meet on the porch or if our downstairs friends are there inside rather than out in the larger outdoor space.


I am grateful for each mask and the protection it gives me and others.



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