Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Different Standards



Do I have different standards towards kids and adults? I must. There was a woman in the library yesterday who was wearing her mask only over her mouth. I was happy that I had my mask on, even though it was hurting behind one of my ears, and that I was behind a plastic shield that sits on the front desk. I believe that if she had been under 13 years old I would have told her to have her mask cover her nose as well since it is of little value to have it doing half the job. For some reason I kept thinking, “What if her surgeon and other health care workers would operate with such a lax method of protection?”


Maybe it would not matter to her, but who knows. There are also many others who seem to have difficulty keeping their masks on their nose, but they at least struggle to try to be effective whereas this woman never made any effort to put it in the proper place.


I also know that there is a guy who, I believe would be in his 20’s, comes in to use the computer. He has irritated me from time to time so I had no compunction about asking him to adjust his mask when he asked for computer time. I perhaps justify that request because he will be there for a longer time.


It is hard, for me, to stick to the same standard for all. I believe there was also some of that in teaching. It is easier to be nice to the nice kids. That is especially sad when we do not know why any child is acting up.



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