Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Shoveling Snow


Five more inches of snow meant more shoveling time. At least my guess is five inches. My internet is still slow so I am not looking up things that I do not need to know.

Leroy and I shoveled before breakfast with snow still seriously coming down. By the time he left for work the walk was again covered. Later I went out, cleared the front walks, rested, cleared the back and some in front of the garage, rested, and went back out to finish the job. Before I got done a neighbor with a snow blower came and cleaned off the bit of the alley that I had not gotten to with the shovel. The world has so many nice people in it. I thanked him for his help. There was a thin layer of ice under the snow that I did not remove, but my downstairs friend attacked with vigor so it looks much better in the back. I had been hoping for help from the sun, but it was not able to do much. Those low temperatures won that battle.

I am grateful for a choice in shovels so I can use the one I like best. I am also happy to shovel because I like the challenge as well as the feeling of accomplishment as the cleared walks appear. Can this count as exercise? I still like to do some stretching to move all things around a bit.

On my rest breaks I have been putting together a picture puzzle that I got for Christmas. It is called Great American Novels. Fifty book covers are the pictures. This 1,000 piece puzzle is easier than I expected because each cover is so different from the other. Leroy even helped me. He is not always so excited to do puzzles, but he also got one called Globetrotter World. It has a similar grid design so it will fit him nicely. My only complaint is that I was leaning over the puzzle too much and my shoulders hurt from bad posture.


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