Friday, January 19, 2018



It amazes me how much and how quickly temperatures can change. It seems that two days ago we were quite stiff and solid with cold. Today snow and ice are disappearing. I gave the packed snow or ice in the alley by the garage quite a lot of assistance to go elsewhere. When I came back from shopping the car once again slipped as I pulled in, once again that feature in the car held it steady and gradually I got up that short steep incline. This is certainly not like driving as it was when I learned. In those days I might have given up in despair or hit the garage.

One of the car salesmen told us that white vehicles do not show the dirt so much. Today there were ample dirty vehicles to check out that theory. It seemed to hold true. I had thought we did not need another white car, but it makes me reconsider a little bit.

I should have gotten the car washed, but did not take the time to do that. I noticed one clean car in the parking lot standing    out in glorious pristine splendor.

I would imagine that it would be good to clean the gunk off the bottom as well. Maybe we can get that done tomorrow, although the lines will no doubt be long.

Our grey car also does not look as dirty as some that were on the road. Apparently gray is the second color to get which also does not show the dirt so much. In spite of this knowledge, I would like a change of color, but it will not be a deciding factor as to which car to buy.


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