Sunday, January 7, 2018

Warm Day


Leroy and I headed off to church with great comfort expectations. Unfortunately it did not feel as warm as the 18 above zero temperature was in my memory. Perhaps it was that wind that kept blowing in our faces. Both of us were so happy to get in the building. A one mile walk was enough. The walk home was much better. The temperature was no doubt warmer and any wind was at our backs.

We did not spend much of the rest of the day outside. I went out twice to put things in the compost bin. Leroy just stayed in. He was quite tired and took a long nap after we ate lunch. He has not walked so much since he got that cold or flu. Yesterday he felt quite fine and got many things done around the house and shopping wise. Today he was not quite so peppy.

This afternoon I worked on getting our late Christmas letter in envelops. When Leroy woke up he joined me and now we have them done. I feel fine to have met this goal. It means I can get some things finished even if late. Leroy will drop them in the mail tomorrow on his walk to work.

Those of you who are friends with me on social media, saw the video that Miriam posted of Nora and me playing a piano duet in church. I can tell you that was the absolute best job that we did playing that piece. It is such good timing to do that in front of your audience.  We were even in the same spot so it sounded good which was a miracle.


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