Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Nap, books delivered, walk


I have been feeling tired lately. I wonder if I have a small bit of flu. This afternoon I took a nap before I packed my backpack with books to deliver to the little free libraries in the next neighborhood. We do have a library two blocks from our house. I was disappointed to see it lying on the ground. Rather than go home to lighten my load I trudged on to the closest library that is by a church. Unfortunately that library was no longer there. Even thought the books are paperback I had at least 25 five of them weighing me down. I do not know what I looked like, but I felt as if the ground was pulling me down.

Besides the weight of the books I had to pay attention to cracks in the sidewalk as well as some rather large puddles. My shoes were ok with a little water, but an inch was too much so I had to follow the steps in the snow at the side. Sometimes it was a bit icy and required a sharp eye for that safe spot to step. Possibly half an hour later I finally reached a working library. I gave them a generous gift of twelve books in their bare space. Even though I had planned to be done by this time, I headed off to an elementary building that has a library. A church next to it also has a library. I gave each of them a selection and then came home with a lightened load.

I was quite tired when I got home and impressed that I had walked 11,000 steps today. I moved a bit slower folding some clothes and put away the dishes from noon. That seemed to revive me enough to fix supper. Leroy’s throat is not up to singing. I decided to use that as an excuse not to go to choir tonight. We will be gone the next time we sing so it does not feel so crucial that we be there. I do find the singing a lift for my spirits even we do not sing in church I still like to go.



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