Monday, January 15, 2018

More Shoveling


I was surprised to look out and see that the sidewalk was not visible except for the indentation in the snow. I put on appropriate clothing, grabbed a broom, and swept off the deck path. Cold is great for giving snow lightness. Because of that dryness the snow on the sidewalk leading to the garage was easy to move. At the garage I opened the doors and swept off the bit right by the doors. The shovel completed the job, but I considered it necessary to sweep it off as there was still a fine dusting there.

Leroy tackled the front walks including some of the neighbors’. It looked good. Leroy decided that he wanted to clean out the alley a bit beyond the garage so we would not get hung up out there.

Now it is still snowing so I will have to do a little work before I drive out of the garage. Hope I leave enough time. Guess I could pay more attention to the weather forecasts. I found all of this snow rather surprising.

I am grateful for shovels that work, are light, or metal for scraping if needed. Those brooms are also a useful tool. Kudos to the inventors of such. I hope they benefited by their good thinking.

On a computer issue, I got one of those pesky notices that looked very official, about a virus on my computer. There was a phone number to call for Microsoft Tech Help. I was able to get rid of this notice on the laptop, but it was hanging around on the tablet. Leroy suggested we go online on the laptop to find some help. We put in those tech help words, got to a website where someone popper right up to help me. When they wanted to know my name, email, and something else that I cannot now remember, I declined and shut them down. Now if they had asked for my bank account number I would have known for sure they were trouble. Leroy and I both felt it was a scam. After a bit more effort I got rid of the notice on the tablet in basically the same manner that I removed it on the laptop. We then ran our virus protections and nothing was found. What I want to know is how do you distingusih “real” tech support from fake?


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