Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year


May the coming year be full of new surprises and opportunities. Be open to the possibilities that God has for you.

Leroy and I are spending a quiet day at home partly because of the cold and partly because he is still coughing. Leroy thought to watch some of the rose parade on TV. It never came across my mind. Somehow I never got so very interested in the parades on Thanksgiving or New Year’s Day. I remember going to my aunt’s house because they had a TV long before we had one in our home. After we did have a TV they probably had color while ours was back and white, so again the festivities needed to be at her house. It was not just because of the parades, but also because of the football games. I am not interested in the games at all. I only have been to one game and I left at half time, as that was enough experience for me. Not very USA type, am I?

Sometimes I resist being called an “American” because I feel that the people in the rest of the Americas should be included in that title. Just how did people in the USA take over that title as if it belonged exclusively? If we are not called Americans what could we be called?

Yesterday, when I walked to church I noticed the entire sidewalk that had that new dusting of overnight snow had footprints. There weren’t many cars on the road, but some walkers were out early. On the way home I noticed a family ahead of me. All of them had grocery bags. Even in the cold some still need to venture out for supplies.

Have a good day and joyful days to come. I just realized I put the date as 2017. Guess I have not made it to the new year yet.


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