Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Violets and Geese


Leroy came home and was quite excited to show me a violet that someone had brought to the church to give away because they were downsizing. He took it knowing that I would like it a lot. It is quite a large plant. I have had varying luck with violets. Generally I say it is the place that they do not like rather than my fault. I just love blaming something else.

I was expressing concern about it living with someone else who might take better care. Their advice was “just don’t worry about it, enjoy it while you have it. You are giving it a home and that is what is needed at this moment.”

This violet is in a special violet pot which I had never heard of before. Perhaps that is why my violets sometimes had rather short lives. At least this one is still alive and looks good after being in my house for a week. I take that as a sign of hope for a longer relationship. I have taken several plants outside for the summer, but only one large one. The back yard should be more shaded before that happens. The walnut tree and the catalpa tree are just getting their leaves now. In one more week it should be good.

I transferred the pictures from the camera to the computer so I can share them with you. I did not get rid of any of the geese pictures since I am sure that Leroy has a proprietorship feeling about them. Perhaps you can just move quickly through them. Leroy was trying to get a good picture of the difference of the baby geese’s sizes.

Two of those pictures are of deer eating. It was fun to watch a goose head pop up from time to time. Amazing what can be hiding in the grass. Is that true of all of life? There are hidden things that we could enjoy if we just knew about them?

Here is the link so you can see the pictures.


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