Sunday, May 14, 2017



Leroy and I both walked many steps yesterday. While we were at a friend’s  house delivering some boots for her to pass on to the homeless shelter, I checked my Fitbit. I had traversed something more than 8,000 steps. “Check your watch,” I told Leroy, “I’ll bet it has 12,000.”

I was wrong it had him walking 19,000 steps. I know these things are not totally accurate, but it seems to me in the course of the day Leroy cannot be walking that much farther than I do. I have read that most of the pedometer devices are not accurate, but are consistent with what they each record. It certainly gives Leroy something I wanted, bragging rights.

I am almost sorry that I bought that watch for him. It has the date and time which is why I got it, not for all the other features contained therein. It has functions that Leroy cannot even figure out. But he is very happy with the date and time. Once in a while he gets out the instruction manual and learns about something more he can do.

At the end of the day both of us were tired, but I think Leroy should have been crawling by that time considering how many steps he had reportedly taken.

I just do a more normal recorded amount of steps but I believe I was the one ready to call it a day first. Even though younger than I am, I do not think Leroy could possibly have more stamina than I do.


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