Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Plants and wind turbines


Yesterday I got my plants ready to move indoors. I decided not to move in the spider plant that I have had since we lived in Chariton five years ago. My neighbor across the street generously had given it to me. I had taken it to the school for the past three years as it is now much too large for this apartment. I cleaned it up, put a free sign on it as well as telling that they could take some babies if that is what they wanted, set it on the front sidewalk steps, checked this morning, and it is gone! I am so pleased that someone wanted it. I did save some of the babies for myself. I figure I can grow another large plant in about five years. I have a couple other plants that are duplicates and I may put out one of them too. I just hate to throw plants away when they can brighten someone’s living space. For some reason Leroy thinks he needs a little space in there too.

This morning on my way home from Tai Chi, a large truck carrying a wind turbine blade came beside me as I entered the interstate. The road is three lanes wide here. As we started towards the downtown s curve I dropped back because I thought they might need more than one lane to make the corner and I did not want to fight for my share of the earth with something that is so much larger than I am. Before they got to the turn the flashing light truck that follows which let people know of the hazard, moved over into the outside lane. So they did essentially take two lanes, but not my lane, all the way through this curve. Slowed down a lot of people, but I was happy to see them get through it in fine shape without damaging anyone else. Also glad to know that they check out the routes ahead of time so they do not get into any tight spots. Nice to know someone considers the possibilities.

Leroy has put away all his US stamps as he has them organized into envelops so he can deal with them later. You can just see the pleasure radiate when he works on the stamps.


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