Friday, April 26, 2013

Great Day


Yesterday was a great day. I had a fun time at work. There was a group of new exercise DVD’s to enter into the system. Most of them were quite easy and straightforward from the PA Z source that I found. This site has 16 million records that I can use. Generally it all works well. It might take a bit longer, just seconds, than the usual source. Some of the disks were in a set of seven that my boss wanted put on the shelf as single disks. That was fine. I was a bit concerned that they would not be there as single records, but luck would have it that someone in PA did the same thing. I found record one and two just flashing onto the computer screen.  For some reason even though I put in the same search word, Zumba an entirely new list came up and my disks were not on there. I went back out and tried again, twice, on the next try the proper record was there. For the four last DVDs I had to repeat the process each time. When I was complaining or moaning to my co-worker she said, “Someone is playing with your head.” I certainly do not understand it all. Have those Pennsylvania people gotten wise to the fact that I am copying their records?

The Slovak display at school went well thanks to the set up help from my friend. People did some interested in the things that we had around. No one seemed too disappointed that we had no food to pass out although some did not stay long. Others even asked some questions. I had thought we were to be done at 7:00 so I started to pick up some of the items when a fairly large number of people came through the door. We had people until 7:30. Later I learned it was to have been over at 7:00. Why those people came then, I do not know. Leroy and I were both quite tired by the time we got home and brought our things into the house. I certainly did not put any of it away until this afternoon. Then I had a bag of Russian items to put away that I had loaned to the Russian presenter. All in all it is good to expose the kids and their families to other countries and cultures. Hopefully it has expanded their world view a little.


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