Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Busy and Excited


We have several different things going on this week. Today we will have company. They will first visit the museum and see Leroy’s work space. Then it will be a visit to our house for supper. These friends are Americans we met in Slovakia. Peterson’s for those of you who might want to know. They have lived a little different lifestyle than Leroy and I have. I find myself feeling a bit ashamed of the place that we live in. It certainly does not look like a successful American lifestyle. Leroy and I talked a little about that last night. Yet I like it here and I am comfortable. God does indeed take good care of me and Leroy.

I remember having a conversation with Leroy many years ago about how we choose to live and how we are judged. I would like to be judged by my standards, but instead I suspect that each of us is judged by the standards of the observer. Part of me says people don’t judge but I believe that it is always there even if we try not to.

The other big thing that is going on is that we are participating in a school event featuring cultures of the world. Of course, Slovakia is our presentation. It will be in an open house style. It was fun to gather things, ruminate about the past and note some of the differences about another place. One thing I found to be true is that there is a mix of people everywhere and I have been fortunate to know mostly the good people. Or is there some good in everyone if we give them a chance?

My boss’s daughter has studied about Russia and will have information about that big country. I was pleased to be able to share my Russia treasures with her. It was fun to go back in time to my great Russia trip in 1999 and dig out the good memories once more.

Sometimes it is too bad that my spelling abilities are so under my vocabulary. I just had to use another word because the one I thought of is spelled so differently that spell check could not help me. Where is that Misspeller’s Dictionary? Oh there it is. Now I know I could have used paraphernalia instead of treasures. By the way, spell check does not like misspeller’s even though that is on the front of this book.

You all have a good day.


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