Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Winter Coming


The prediction is for snow tomorrow. I like snow and winter weather, but I am nervous about driving in it once again. I feel that our current cars do not do as well as some we have had in the past, or maybe I was just younger and more daring than I am now.

I keep thinking about how I can get out of town without using the interstate that tends to be slippery on the curves or without going on a hill. There is no way that I know about. Maybe the snow will wait until I am done working. How about that for a fantasy?

One thing about winter is that my hair curling humidity has disappeared. I do not like looking in the mirror so much. Then there is a strong cowlick. Who ever came up with that name? It is in the back seemingly to create the perfect part in my hair to make braids. Course my hair is not long enough for braids, but maybe it is trying to give me a hint about the future.

Leroy and I have now completed our decorations for Christmas. The tree is up and fits better in the space than I thought it would. I think little Natalie will be at just the right height to take many things off, but we will deal with that later. One string of lights has been discarded. One string, Leroy tested, put on the tree only to find a rather large chunk of it was not working. I yelled a bit about that, but he found that a light bulb was missing. With insertion of a new light it worked fine as did our relationship. Could Christmas tree lights be a hidden cause of divorce? Is that why the pre-lighted trees are so popular? They might really be a marriage saving device.


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