Sunday, December 30, 2012



Four adults and four children have come and gone taking their noise, laughter, breathing, snoring, sleep talking, playing, drawing, coloring, listening, talking, game playing, and fresh perspective with them.

It all went by so fast that I am not sure how we got through it all, but it did happen. The three older girls got along as we would hope they always would. At only a little more than a year, Natalie mostly went her own way and carved out her own place to be.

Five year old Olivia gave us all a quick lesson on rash as a reaction to an antibiotic. She was brilliantly red for about three days. It miraculously disappeared to the relief of all. Luckily it did not itch much or hurt, but it still caused concern.

A few squirrels come into view with their walnuts in hand. One of them set up shop on the fence where the girls could get quite close and easily hear him scratching and chewing on this hard shelled sphere.

For a break from the ordinary some of the adults took a tour of the museum and later a few adults took the kids to the play station where they could run around and play. I stayed home and relaxed.

As Sarah and Stephen traveled home we also went and met my brother and his wife at about the half way point between our homes. They had not seen our daughters for some time. They had not met our grandchildren so that was quite nice. Snow was falling, but it was not a concern at all. So that was great. I am so grateful for wonderful family times.


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