Sunday, July 18, 2021

Young Bird



Last night after I got home from work it was good to go out for a walk. There was a ball of fluff about the size of a ping pong ball on the sidewalk. On a closer approach, it was revealed as a young bird, surely too small to fly. It stayed very still until we got quite close. It proved it could move by running off under the close bush. It was nice to see it, but we wondered if it would be safe, especially as there are cats out roaming around from time to time.


When we came home the bird was once again back out on the sidewalk as was an adult bird. We stayed well back. Leroy said, “The mom is feeding it.”


This time we walked a ways away in grass, but the adult flew away while the youngster scurried under a bush with dinner dangling from its mouth.


This morning we looked for that interesting creature, but saw no sign of it. Maybe there or maybe gone. Even though we do not know the type of bird we feel sympathy for it. Amazing how that almost personal experience makes our attitude different. Now if we could just apply that to all people we would live in a better world. Seeing individuals is valuable.



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