Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Organ Crawl



This morning Leroy and I took a tour of the new pipe organ at our church. This included not only a stop at the organ consol with much information about what the stops do and the key action, but we into the back where the pipes are housed. It was quite interesting. There are three levels back there. First we saw the bellows and other mechanical connections from the console to the pipes. Before going up to the level of the pipes we had to walk on a mat that took the dirt off our shoes. Then it was up a narrow ladder to the level where the swell organ pipes are housed. This level has the most voices which are often is used for solos. The last level had the great and pedal pipes. There was not as much room up there so only four people could be up there at a time. I have included a picture of the floor which also looks very fine.


I was so happy to be able to go on this tour. I had never experienced such and do not expect to again as usually this area is out of the sight of the public. Much of the reason for this access is so the organ can be serviced if needed. All pipes were labeled in the supporting wood frame. There was also a general list so a repair person would know what was housed in that area.


Building an organ certainly involves a lot of team work.



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